Blackfeet Nation Campgrounds in Montana
Imagine spending the night in a teepee or traditional Navajo hogan, a circular structure built with logs and covered in mud. A cozy wood stove radiates warmth as you wrap yourself in beautiful hand-woven blankets. After savoring a home-cooked meal, prepared by Navajo hosts, you listen, transfixed, to their storytelling. Step outdoors and marvel at the thickets of stars in the northern Arizona sky, more than you’ve ever seen or could even imagine. After a peaceful night’s sleep and early breakfast of blue corn porridge, fresh fruit compote, ranch coffee or Navajo tea, head out in the morning to tour the breathtaking Upper and Lower Antelope canyons with a Navajo-owned and operated tour company.
As increasing numbers of travelers seek culturally immersive experiences in natural wilderness areas, indigenous tourism (experiences operated and hosted by indigenous and Native American people) is skyrocketing all over the U.S. and around the world. A new report from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) forecasts that indigenous tourism will inject $67 billion into the global economy by 2034. In the U.S., American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian-owned hospitality businesses already contribute $15.7 billion in annual sales to the tourism and hospitality sector, according to the Economic Impact of U.S. Indigenous Tourism Businesses Report, produced by AIANTA (the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association) in partnership with SMS Research.
Diverse Tribes Across the Nation
AIANTA CEO Sherry L. Rupert
“This is our time,” says Sherry Rupert, CEO, AIANTA, which is self-described as “the only national organization dedicated to advancing cultural heritage tourism in Native Nations and communities across the US.” Founded in 1998, AIANTA’s mission is “to define, introduce, grow, and sustain American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) tourism that honors traditions and values.” According to Rupert, “AIANTA was born out of tribes coming together, looking at the tourism industry and asking why can’t we, as native people, benefit? Indigenous culture has always been here. We’re still here. We are 574 diverse tribes across the nation. We want to tell our story in our own way. It’s time for us to change the narrative to showcase indigenous heritage. We have so many experiences to share.”
The demand is high among increasing numbers of travelers who are looking for authentic, transformative, even spiritual experiences, especially those that connect with nature, land and culture, and are guided by the people that know them best. Tribal nations are largely found in rural areas, close to national parks. “As native peoples, we offer a unique connection to land, to water, to animals that can be found in our communities,” says Rupert, from the Paiute/Washoe community.
Indigenous Tourism Experiences
A tour of Rattlesnake and Owl slot canyons in Page, Arizona, with Black Streak Canyon Tours.
Hosting unique and authentic indigenous experiences and cultural heritage tours, owned and operated by native people, not only creates economic opportunities for tribal communities, it enables them to control their own narrative and share their stories, traditions and profound connection with nature in their own voice. The idea is that no one can tell the story of Indian Country better than they can—and indigenous communities are offering access like never before. Indigenous tourism offers a thrilling first-hand look, with experiences that foster appreciation and greater understanding of the richness of indigenous cultures and traditions, along with immersive experiences in nature.
For example, experiences found on Native America Travel, may include dark-sky storytelling in an area unaffected by light pollution, culinary agrotourism, overnight stays on tribal lands. More specifically: tours with the Blackfeet Nation in Glacier National Park; guided hikes, herb walks, and horseback riding with the Lakota in South Dakota; journeys through petroglyphs and whitewater rafting with the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) at the Clearwater and Snake rivers in Idaho; sightings of the largest redwood trees in the world with the Yurok, the largest federally recognized tribe in California.
Yurok children from the Yurok tribe in California
Global Indigenous Tourism Experiences
AIANTA recently expanded globally with the launch of DO-IT (Destination Original Indigenous Tourism), a new international partnership unveiled at AIANTA’s Indigenous Tourism Conference (IITC) this past October. It brought the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) and New Zealand Māori Tourism and AIANTA under one umbrella. The goal is to promote and develop authentic indigenous tourism destinations around the world together.
According to Rupert, “DO-IT is a new global tourism collective created for each country to support one another, create more opportunities to strengthen and create a collective strategy, and really bring voice to indigenous tourism around the world. We’re all from different parts of the world but we have common values on so many things,” she says.
The goals are ambitious. “When people around the world plan to travel, they may tend to think of a city or a theme park,” she says. “We want indigenous experiences to be top of mind.” Not only is the vibe beautiful and serene, travelers gain a deeper understanding of what life has been like for people who live close to the land, respect the land and want to protect it. It can be life-changing, she says. “It’s amazing what native people know about how to utilize that knowledge in today’s experience,” says Rupert. “Sustainability is the way we live off the land,” she continues. For example, we utilize every part of every animal that we hunt. We pray for that animal, and thank it for giving itself to sustain us.”
Raising Indigenous Tourism Awareness
Apsaalooke Glamping in Montana
In the US, AIANTA is working to grow indigenous tourism through partnerships with the National Tour Association and the International Inbound Travel Association (IITA). AIANTA provides education to travel professionals on how best to work with indigenous tour operators to market and sell these unique experiences. Assuming that travelers want to be respectful and responsible but may need a little help, AIANTA created 15 Cultural Protocols with guidelines that answer common questions such as “What do Native peoples want to be called?,” “What is Indian Country?,” “What are important things to consider when planning to travel to indigenous lands?”
Rupert has just been appointed by the Department of Commerce to serve on the U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (TTAB) for a two-year term. The appointment will give the indigenous tourism industry voice at a national level, with an opportunity to advise the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on how government policies impact tourism, and how to support sustainable growth.
Meanwhile, the growth of indigenous travel is skyrocketing and the potential seems endless. “We’re trying to ensure that travelers understand that we are so diverse across the country, with so many experiences to share,” says Rupert. “The connection to people, the land, the environment. There are authentic indigenous tourism guides and destinations and that’s where they should be getting their info–from the source.”